Return to Running key reference used:
Rambaud A, Ardern C, Thoreux P, Regnaux J, Edouard P. (2018). Criteria for return to running after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a scoping review. British Journal of Sports Medicine. Nov;52(22), 1437-1444
Return to sport key references used:
Grindem, Hege, et al. “Simple decision rules can reduce reinjury risk by 84% after ACL reconstruction: the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study.” Br J Sports Med (2016): bjsports-2016.
Gustavsson, alexander, et al. “a test battery for evaluating hop performance in patients with an acl injury and patients who have undergone acl reconstruction.” knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy 4.8 (2006): 778-788.
Sturgill, Lynne Patterson, et al. “Interrater reliability of a clinical scale to assess knee joint effusion.” journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 39.12 (2009): 845-849.
Webster, Kate E., Julian A. Feller, and Christina Lambros. “Development and preliminary validation of a scale to measure the psychological impact of returning to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery.” Physical therapy in sport 9.1 (2008): 9-15.
Why things hurt (Lorimer Mosely – TED talk)
- Embracing Biomechanics with Dr Enda King
- Returning to play in 2019 with Dr Clare Ardern
- Patient’s Voice: It felt like my entire shin had dislocated from the rest of my body.
- An Update on Injury Prevention Programmes
- What predicts ACL rupture? What prevents it? Tim Hewett and Kate Webster
The Physical Performance Show – Brad Beer
Physio Edge – David Pope
- How to rehabilitate ACL injuries
- Advanced ACL Rehab with Enda King
- Conservative or Surgical management for ACL injuries
- How to rehabilitate ACL injuries with Dr Lee Herrington
PT Inquest – Erik Meira & JW Matheson
- History of ACLR Surgery and Rehabilitation
- Strength Training After ACLR
- Lots of Ways to ‘Prevent’ ACL Injuries
- Knee Function 6 months after ACLR